We broke the House of Commons!!! So many Canadians are signing on to the petition against the gun bans that the system is overwhelmed. Keep checking your inbox – your confirmation email WILL come and NEEDS to be clicked. Be patient and keep sharing. http://www.restoredemocracy.ca
e-2574 (Democratic process)
Original language of petition: English
Petition to the Prime Minister
- The Prime Minister’s firearms confiscation regime, undemocratically imposed without debate during a pandemic while Parliament is suspended, is an assault on Canadian democracy;
- Canada already has stringent regulations and comprehensive legislation related to firearms ownership;
- Canada has millions of responsible, law-abiding firearms owners;
- Data shows that the confiscation regime would not stop firearms violence in Canada;
- The majority of firearms used in violent crimes are obtained illegally and/or are smuggled into Canada;
- Legal firearms owners are strong advocates for measures that will actually prevent firearms violence;
- Legal firearms owners in Canada are vetted on a daily basis through the CPIC system;
- The Prime Minister is using the emotion of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to impose this confiscation regime even though all of the firearms the murderer used were illegally obtained;
- The list of firearms to be confiscated is arbitrary and not based on functionality;
- “Assault rifles”, or fully automatic firearms, have been banned in Canada since 1977;
- Criminals who have illegally obtained firearms will not be impacted by this confiscation regime; and
- The federal government is abandoning evidenced-based decision making as it relates to preventing firearm violence.