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Pfizer wanted you to wait until the year 2085 to know the vaccine has NINE pages of side effects and…

Pfizer wanted you to wait until the year 2085 to know the vaccine has NINE pages of side effects and that they withheld reports of 1223 fatalities during a 3-month period, out of 42K cases.

r/conspiracy - Pfizer wanted you to wait until the year 2085 to know the vaccine has NINE pages of side effects and that they withheld reports of 1223 fatalities during a 3-month period, out of 42K cases.

There was a lady who spoke at 2 of the Ron Johnson symposiums that he arranged.

She said that they were given access to an app for reporting side effects but it only had a pre defined set of reactions to choose from. No free form text box for things not listed. She was removed from the study after having a severe adverse reaction and her access to the app blocked.