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Photojournalist Says Portland Mayor Is Wrong About Antifa Protest, She Was There

Photojournalist CK Ferrache says Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler is wrong for calling the dueling protests ‘peaceful.’

Source: Photojournalist Says Portland Mayor Is Wrong About Antifa Protest, She Was There

Photojournalist CK Ferrache spoke with the Daily Caller about the protests in Portland, Oregon on Saturday which resulted in 13 arrests and at least six people getting injured.

Ferrache told the Daily Caller that she was threatened with pepper spray by an Antifa member who she says was also carrying a bat. (RELATED: Antifa Members Have Repeatedly Attacked Journalists Who Cover Them.)

“I looked down and saw he had it in his hands, he picked it up and shook it in my face, then flipped the safety off- so I kept walking,” said Ferrache.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler referred to the protest as a ‘largely peaceful event.’


The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of The Daily Caller or TheWatchTowers.org and Breaking-News.ca. 


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