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Please Send Cash: UN Demands $29 Billion for 2020 “Extreme Weather” Humanitarian Aid Programmes


Shutting the UN bar at 5pm and cutting back their first class air travel budget has failed to close the projected budget shortfall.

U.N. Cries Poor [Again]: Issues Unprecedented $29 Billion Emergency Funding Appeal

The cash-strapped United Nations has issued an unprecedented global appeal for funds, claiming Wednesday it needs an immediate injection of $29 billion of global taxpayer money as “climate change” and global conflicts pressure existing budgets.

The world body’s Global Humanitarian Overview estimated some 168 million people worldwide will need emergency assistance in 2020, with demand a direct product of “more extreme weather events, notably drought and flooding, which trigger humanitarian emergencies,” U.N. emergency relief coordinator Mark Lowcock said.

His plea for cash comes just two months after a series of cutbacks began at the U.N.’s New York headquarters, starting with the heating being turned down, the diplomats’ bar shuttering early at 5pm and meetings canceled along with diminished first class global travel budgets.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/12/04/u-n-cries-poor-again-issues-unprecedented-29-billion-emergency-funding-appeal/

The solution is obvious; do your job, stop blowing the budget on political grandstanding