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Poll Shows Huge Democrat Bias Toward Muslims Over Christians

68% of Democrats say employers should provide prayer spaces to Muslims, but only 45 percent say employers should do so for Christians.

Source: Poll Shows Huge Democrat Bias Toward Muslims Over Christians

The poll can be read here.

Sixty-eight percent of Democrats say employers should grant a request for prayer space by Muslims — but only 45 percent say employers should grant a similar request by Christian employees, says a survey by Grinnell College.

The poll asked, “Suppose a group of devout Christians [or devout Muslims] asked their employer to provide a private place for them to pray together. Even if it is a hardship [on business], do you think the employer should or should not accommodate the request?”

The Democrats’ pro-Muslim bias exists despite the hostility of orthodox Islamic rule-books towards Christiansatheistswomensecularists, and democracy.

The poll also showed that urbanites, young people, and women were far more supportive of Muslim believers than of Christians, despite Christianity’s orthodox support for secularismsexual equality, and economic redistribution.

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