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Project Subterrene and Top Secret Underground Tunnels Under America: NORAD and DUMBs. Inside NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain Combat Center

Project Subterrene and Top Secret Underground Tunnels Under America: NORAD and DUMBs. Inside NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain Combat Center

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is a joint US-Canada military command tasked primarily with controlling and defending the airspace of North America. Formed in 1958, it has become the stuff of legend for a number of reasons, including the fact that (unlike the rest of the military) it’s not subject to FOIA, the way it dropped the ball on 9/11, and the enormous underground command center it built inside of a mountain.

That Combat Operations Center deep inside Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs, Colorado, has triggered lots of speculation over the decades. NORAD moved its headquarters to nearby Peterson Air Force Base in 2006, but the underground complex is still used by a number of military and intelligence agencies.

Photos from inside the mountain have never been plentiful, and all images taken or released since 9/11 have been tightly controlled. But there are two older sources of images available, though they’ve been nearly impossible to obtain.

One is a NORAD report from 1966:

“NORAD Underground COC [Combat Operations Center]: Initial Requirement to Initial Operation, 1956-1966” by David W. Shircliffe, Directorate of Command History, Command Public Affairs Office, Headquarters NORAD.

The other source is a book from a tiny regional press that was published 46 years ago: NORAD Command Post: The City Inside Cheyenne Mountain by Henry W. Hough (Denver CO: Green Mountain Press, 1970). No copies are available on Amazon or ABE, and only 27 libraries in the world have a copy. Happily, I live near one of them.

Photos from both these publications are below. From “NORAD Underground COC: Initial Requirement to Initial Operation, 1956-1966”


From NORAD Command Post: The City Inside of Cheyenne Mountain

(1) NORAD moved its headquarters to nearby Peterson Air Force Base in 2006, but the underground complex is still used by a number of military and intelligence agencies.

Photos from inside the mountain have never been plentiful, and all images taken or released since 9/11

(2) have been tightly controlled.

But there are two older sources of images available, though they’ve been nearly impossible to obtain.

One is a NORAD report from 1966: “NORAD Underground COC [Combat Operations Center]: Initial Requirement to Initial Operation, 1956-1966”

(3) by David W. Shircliffe, Directorate of Command History, Command Public Affairs Office, Headquarters NORAD.

The Memory Hole 2 has obtained a copy.

Photos from Inside NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain Combat Center — The Memory Hole 2Two rare, decades-old publications provide over 25 photos from inside the military’s off-limits underground 

(4) I remember reading somewhere that while they were building this installation they discovered enlarged and reused some already existing ancient tunnel’s within the mountain, it was probably just a lie to fill out a story in a book or somewhere on the

(5) internet but if true then it would be interesting, of course all it could have meant is that they stumbled onto some old abandoned mine working’s and decided to make use of them.


(6) However while this site is now ancient it is still an interesting asset and undoubtedly has long since been expanded and upgraded.

Still remember that the US does have these technology’s and and has had them for decades now.

(7) IF real then it would mean that rumors of very large underground – and undersea facility’s that make this old site look like a broom closet are in fact true.

Russia also has it’s own sites dating back to the slave labour of the soviet years such as the Yamantau

(8) underground facility which the Russian Federation still keep’s top secret to this day but which is rumored to be truly massive in scale and consisting of not one but several underground facility’s

(9) linked by train’s as well as a possible underground trains to several other sites.

It is likely that both the soviet union and the US were in a bit of an undeclared arms race to develop these machines at one point.

Did Russia build a nuclear-powered land submarine during the Cold War?Officials in Moscow developed the vehicle to attack and destroy key US military facilities like underground missile silos, reports suggest. 

(10) The US version however seems to be far superior at least compared to this much older and more primitive mock of the soviet one.

Likely though not a patch on the completely hidden but rumoured US black budget underground sites.

(11) The problem with the Cheyenne mountain site is that it is too famous, they know exactly were it is and can attack it directly so at best it was a short lived command center while the real one’s were probably moved into hardened black budget facility’s and

(12) of these the soviets there spy satellites and even the US own top secret base builders with the exception of the engineers and planners would not have known there location except for service point’s and surface access location’s, being designed to survive the

(13) obliteration of the surface they are probably completely self sustaining, some have probably been failures due to the structure of the material they encountered and are probably now convenient waste dump’s as well.

(14) Think about city sized military base and even another America designed to house the elite and selected individual’s for the long haul in case the worst came to the worst.

Obviously the planners never read the bible though.

(15) And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

14And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

(16) 15And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

(17) 16And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

17For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

(18) Photo of United States Air Force tunnel boring machine at Little Skull Mountain, Nevada, USA, December 1982.

There are many rumors of secret military tunnels in the United States. If the rumors are true, machines such as the one shown here are used to make the tunnels.

(20) This one belongs to Musk.

Elon Musk To Launch Underground Tunnel Digging Company To Reduce City TrafficThe founder of Tesla and SpaceX wants to build underground tunnels for faster transport in cities. 