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Reiner Fuellmich, Bryan Ardis and Wolfgang Wodarg – Depopulation By Any Means 01-08-2021

Who is Reiner Fuellmich ?:Dr. Reiner Fuellmich was born and raised in Bremen. He went to school in Bremen and Farmington Hills, Michigan.

He studied law at Georg-August University in Göttingen and in Los Angeles.Among other things, he worked as a research assistant at the law faculty of Georg-August Universityin Göttingen, where he obtained his doctorate.

Before joining the law firm, Dr. Fuellmich he worked at the corporate banking of Deutsche Bank in Germany and Japan.Dr. Fuellmich has published various articles and books in the field of banking law, medical law and private international law and has already taught as a professor and lecturer at universities in Germany and Estonia.

WATCH | Reiner Fuellmich, Bryan Ardis and Wolfgang Wodarg – Depopulation By Any Means 01-08-2021


Main Activities: Banking and stock exchange law

Private international law

Medical law

Memberships: German American Lawyers Association

Association of German Japanese Lawyers

German lawyers association

Membership of the Citizen Movement

Finanzwende Founding board of the Corona Commission Foundation, co-founder of the A-DuR (Action Democracy and Law) interest group to include genuine class action lawsuits and a sanctioned right to evidence in the sense of discovery in civil procedural law with a view to creating equality of weapons in legal disputes with structural imbalances resulting from the participation from state organs or companies.

Source: Reiner Fuellmich, Bryan Ardis and Wolfgang Wodarg – Depopulation By Any Means 01-08-2021


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