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Remember this guy? Khizr Kahn and his wife – the “Gold Star” family

Remember this guy? Khizr Kahn and his wife – the “Gold Star” family, who caused such a commotion denouncing Trump for his stand against Muslim immigration at the DNC Convention? Now we learn that not only did the Dems pay actors to fill up seats at their convention, but they paid Khan $25,000 to make that speech. (Which was, by the way, not written by him, but two DNC staffers). Remember the copy of Constitution he held up? (Bought by a staffer two hours before speech). And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!…..

FIVE Gold Star families turned down the DNC’s request to speak at the convention. Khan’s law firm is in debt $1.7 million, and owes back taxes of over $850,000 plus penalties. (Which the IRS has put on hold since his convention speech). In addition, the DNC paid him a bonus of $175,000 for his “media effort.” AND…CNN paid him over $100,000 for his interviews.