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Rent-a-sister: Coaxing Japan’s hikikomori men out of their bedrooms – BBC News – VIDEO

Rent-a-sister: Coaxing Japan’s hikikomori men out of their bedrooms – BBC News – VIDEO

Japanese men locked in their bedrooms for years | 7.30

At least half a million young men in Japan are thought to have withdrawn from society, and refuse to leave their bedrooms. They’re known as hikikomori.

Their families often don’t know what to do, but one organisation is offering ‘sisters for hire’ to help coax these young men out of their isolation.

A film by Amelia Martyn-Hemphill for BBC World Hacks

Hikikomori: Japanese men locking themselves in their bedrooms for years, creating social and health problem – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

About 1 million Japanese, mostly men, have locked themselves in their bedrooms and are refusing to come out.

Source: Hikikomori: Japanese men locking themselves in their bedrooms for years, creating social and health problem – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

“In one of the biggest social and health problems facing Japan, about a million people, mostly men, have withdrawn from society and have literally locked themselves in their bedrooms and won’t come out. Japanese health professionals are scrambling to stop the next generation from suffering the same fate. Not only is the condition shattering families, but it’s also threatening the country’s economy.”

^^ Source: ‘Hikikomori’ sweeps Japan: a million men lock themselves inside for years – PM – ABC Radio


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