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Rudy Giuliani on Mueller Testimony: “What’s Gotta Come Out Intelligence Plot to Frame Trump – VIDEO

Image result for Rudy Giuliani on Mueller Testimony: "What's Gotta Come Out Intelligence Plot to Frame Trump

Rudy told Sean that he will expose the Intelligence Community’s attempt to frame Trump if this does not come out in the testimony and questioning on Wednesday.

Rudy Giuliani on Mueller Testimony: “What’s Gotta Come Out Is the Counter Intelligence Plot to Frame Trump

Rudy Giuliani: The real Russian story is that Mueller was a complete incompetent and he had a completely disgraceful set of prosecutors including Weissmann who has been proven to have basically gotten pretty close to suborning perjury at least three times including trying to get a Ukrainian oligarch to give false testimony and he’s been basically exposed by the guy’s lawyers in John Solomon’s column yesterday. That’s what’s gotta come out. What’s gotta come out is this was a plot. It was a counter intelligence plot that was conceived in Washington and played out by Ukraine, UK, Australia, Italy. They all cooperated to frame President Trump. They framed him! It was an attempt to stop him and then take him out of office. It is what we call a ‘frame-up’ in law enforcement. And it’s disgraceful and Mueller either knew about it or he’s so damn incompetent he didn’t know about it which maybe is even worse. And it should be exposed tomorrow and if it isn’t I’ll expose it the next day.

Via Hannity: