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Satellite ‘Tumbling’ in Space!!! Are We Sure It Is A Satellite!

North Korea rocket: First images emerge of debris; satellite ‘tumbling’ in space

[link to www.cnn.com]

(CNN)South Korea has released the first images of debris believed to be from a long-range rocket fired by North Korea on Sunday.

The pieces were pulled from the sea southwest of Jeju Island shortly after Pyongyang announced it had successfully launched the earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4 into orbit.

Recovered debris pieces were being analyzed, South Korea said.

Officials say the number of pieces indicate that the rocket’s first-stage booster was fitted with a self-destruct device. An official with South Korea’s Defense Ministry said that the booster “separated from [the rocket’s] main body and exploded into about 270 pieces.”

There was no indication that any of the pieces came from the satellite.

Unlike the previous launch in December 2012, few large pieces were recovered.

North Korea fired the rocket Sunday despite warnings from a number of countries who claimed the satellite launch was a front for a long-range missile test. North Korea maintains the launch is for scientific and “peaceful purposes.”

The South Korean Defense Ministry released images of the debris on Tuesday, February 9.

The debris is believed to come from a long-range rocket North Korea fired on Sunday, February 7.


Satellite free falling now [link to www.n2yo.com]

KMS-4 (Kwangmyongsong-4 meaning Bright Star-4 or Lodestar-4 in Korean) is an earth observation satellite launched by North Korea on 7 February 2016. The launch happened after North Korea conducted a nuclear test on 6 January and as the United Nations Security Council is deciding on sanctions to be placed on the country following the nuclear test. The launch was also timed to celebrate the 74th birthday of late leader Kim Jong-il on February 16.