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Schiff: ‘I Had No Idea FBI Was Committing Serious Abuses When I Said All That Stuff’

Schiff: ‘I Had No Idea FBI Was Committing Serious Abuses When I Said All That Stuff’

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) can’t admit when he’s wrong.

After last week’s DOJ Inspector General report revealed that the FBI committed serious abuses while obtaining a warrant to spy on Trump campaign aide Carter Page – including fabricating evidence, Schiff was asked on Sunday by Fox News host Christ Wallace:

“Given what you know now … are you willing to admit that you were wrong in your defense of the FBI’s FISA process?

To which Schiff replied: “I’m certainly willing to admit that the inspector general found serious abuses of FISA that I was unaware of.

That’s an odd way of admitting your entire thesis has been dead wrong for three years.

Watch (via the Daily Caller)

Source: Schiff: ‘I Had No Idea FBI Was Committing Serious Abuses When I Said All That Stuff’ | Zero Hedge