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SCOUT Wellness Passport aka CovidCheck … Mandatory University Testing, Daily Smartphone Digital Diary Entries and Contact Tracing

Scout Wellness Passport
Scout Wellness Passport

First every student must take a covid test to be allowed to enter the campus…
Then the students must maintain a daily digital diary…


“Colorado Mesa University has partnered with COVIDCheck Colorado, a social benefit enterprise created by Gary Community Investments (GCI) to help Coloradans navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and safely get back to school, work and daily life. COVID-19 Testing will be administered by PrimaryBio.”

“The Safe Together, Strong Together team has concluded the safest path moving forward includes performing baseline viral testing for all members of the campus community. This strategy necessitates that every member of the CMU community (students, faculty and staff) will be tested for COVID-19 3-7 days prior to returning to campus this fall. Failure to complete testing prior to return to campus will affect one’s ability to attend class and move on to campus.”

“Working together, we can slow the spread of COVID-19 and keep the Mavily safe. Scout is a web-based tool that we will each use daily to check and attest that we are not experiencing any COVID-related symptoms.”

“Press “Fill out your Daily Pass” to answer the necessary questions to be cleared for campus.”

“All students, faculty and staff are required to have proof of a negative COVID-19 test prior to physically returning to campus. While waiting for your results, please do your best to isolate.”

Report COVID-19 symptoms:

“Report if you have experienced any COVID-19 symptoms during the past 24 to 48 hours. Scroll down to reach the yes/no buttons. You must select yes or no before tapping “Next”.
You will either be cleared for entry to campus until midnight or asked to remain at your residence.

How are you feeling today?
Press “Add symptoms” from the main screen to enter the Symptom Diary. You can always access the main screen from the scout logo in the top left.

This symptom tracking view acts as your symptom diary and is used to help CMU understand the health of the community on campus. Please enter any new symptoms you are experiencing that may indicate a new illness. Press “I’m done” when you are finished to return to the main screen.

Adding symptoms here does not automatically block you from campus, but if you choose to share your symptoms attached to your name and are symptomatic, a campus administrator may request that you stay home. If you share your symptoms anonymously, it still provides useful information on the overall health of the campus.

Step #4…
Enter “close contacts”…
Press “Add contacts” from the main screen to begin adding contacts. You can always access the main screen from the scout logo in the top left to proceed after entering your contacts.

Enter any close contacts you have had….

“Close contact” is defined as being within 6 feet of someone for more than 15 minutes. You can create new contacts or select from existing. This will assist our team with contact tracing efforts should you or someone you have had close contact possibly been exposed to COVID-19. Press “I’m done” when you are finished to return to the main screen….

***Pre-cursor questions***
Have you completed the COVID-101 Course successfully (with an 85% or greater)? (students only)
Have you been tested for COVID-19 and have a Negative Test Result?
If you answer NO to either question, you will have a Red Passport Screen.

Next steps
If you have a Red Passport Screen and did not answer “no” to the questions above, here’s what you do next.

Please isolate in your residence and avoid contact with others.
Isolation is a period of time spent avoiding all physical human contact due to testing positive for COVID-19 or experiencing symptoms.

Stay in your own room and use your own bathroom, if possible.
Avoid contact with people and/or pets in your home and living space.
Don’t share household items like cups, towels, utensils, etc.
Only leave your living space for medical care.
Remain in isolation until you have no fever for at least 72 hours (without medication) AND symptoms have improved AND at least ten days have passed since your symptoms first started or you tested positive.

A CMU contact tracer will call you to follow-up.
Answer your phone so you can receive additional instructions.

Schedule a medical appointment…

So much more information under the “menu” up top as well as visual aids and example smartphone app screenshots of the mandatory mobile CovidCheck/ Scout Wellness Passport are located here at the link:
