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Study: The smarter you are the more likely ‘vaccine hesitant’ you are. Phd’s lead as the most hesitant…


Mejia and King analyzed the data by race, education, U.S. region and Trump support in the 2020 election to assess time trends and how each group’s outlooks changed regarding vaccination. The data from May provides the current relationship between a broad range of factors and vaccine acceptance.

The largest decrease in hesitancy between January and May by education group was in those with a high school education or less. Hesitancy held constant in the most educated group (those with a Ph.D.); by May Ph.D.’s were the most hesitant group. While vaccine hesitancy decreased across virtually all racial groups, Blacks and Pacific Islanders had the largest decreases, joining Hispanics and Asians at having lower vaccine hesitancy than whites in May.



PITTSBURGH– A study conducted by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh found that vaccine hesitancy decreased among U.S. adults by one-third between January and May 2021. While tentative people are concerned about COVID-19 vaccine safety and potential side effects, those with stronger views tend to distrust the government.

The researchers published their results on medRxiv, a preprint website, and announced their results today, ahead of peer-reviewed publication.

The scientists, Robin Mejia, Ph.D., M.P.H., special faculty at the CMU Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences and senior author on the paper, and Wendy C. King, Ph.D., associate professor of epidemiology in Pitt’s Graduate School of Public Health and first author, reviewed the responses of approximately 1 million Americans per month to assess trends in vaccine acceptance. The researchers partnered with the Delphi Group at CMU, which runs an ongoing national COVID-19 survey in collaboration with the Facebook Data for Good group.


More @ Source: https://www.upmc.com/media/news/072621-king-mejia-vaccine-hesitancy