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Swedes Furious Over Video of Migrant Gang Humiliating Teen, Forcing Gun in His Mouth 

In the undated video, the apparent victim is also forced to dance for his tormentors’ pleasure and kiss the gun.

Source: Swedes Furious Over Video of Migrant Gang Humiliating Teen, Forcing Gun in His Mouth – Sputnik International


In the undated video, the apparent victim is also forced to dance for his tormentors’ pleasure and kiss the gun.

In a video that recently emerged online, a young man, identified as a Swedish national, is allegedly attacked and humiliated by a gang of immigrants, the news outlet Samhällsnytt has reported.

The footage shows the apparent assailants, who speak with a thick accent, intimidate the young man by forcing a gun into his mouth.

The victim is also forced to perform a dance for the tormentors and made to kiss the gun, which they refer to by a Turkish-derived slang word (Swedish “tabbe”, from Turkish “tabanca”).

The undated footage was later deleted from YouTube, but is still available on Vimeo. At the moment of writing, it is yet unclear when the alleged humiliation occurred and under what circumstances.

Screenshot from clip with gun shoved into a teen’s mouth

Nevertheless, the video stirred strong reactions on social media, sparking debate about its authenticity. While some argued that it’s just “12-year-olds fooling around”, others warned that the situation is serious and could possibly traumatise the victim for life.

On Flashback, one of Sweden’s most popular online forums, many argued that the scene was “the new normal” for Sweden in 2019 and suggested that it was a harbinger for sinister things to come.

“The future seems bright. It will pay off in the long run”, a Facebook user commentedwryly.

“A foul deed that should have been classified as a hate crime. It purely screams racism. Regardless of how clear it is, some groups get away with just about anything”, another one noted.

“The youngsters’ voices are still cracking, and they are already running around with weapons and terrorising the Swedish people. The future seems promising”, a Twitter user suggested.

During the pan-European migrant crisis, Sweden, a nation of 10 million, emerged as one of the most generous nations, taking in 163,000 asylum seekers, mostly from Islamic non-Western nations.

While independent studies have suggested a drastic over-representation of migrants in, among others things, rape and violent crime, Sweden does not collect statistical data on the ethnic background of criminals and therefore denies any connection. The most recent mapping of migrant crime was carried out in 2005, long before the migration crisis, whereupon this practice was put on ice, as suggesting a connection between criminal activity and a person’s ethnicity or race was considered unethical.