The bill will hurt Canadian creators and users, benefit mainstream media outlets, and make it difficult for small platforms to operate. Canada’s Online Streaming Act (Bill C-11) is one of several recent attempts by Western governments to crush online speech while claiming that they support free expression. The bill is being pushed by Canadian Heritage […]
Tag: Liberal Party
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Trudeau had a longer conversation with a Drag Queen at Pride Parade than he had at the #G20Summit with Chinese President – VIDEO
Trudeau had a longer conversation with a Drag Queen at Pride Parade than he had at the #G20Summit with Chinese President, Xi, with 2 Canadians’ lives are at stake
18 year Liberal MP Dan McTeague quit, tells us Justin Trudeau has an ‘unserious’ mind
#SpreadTheWord Even longtime Liberals think Trudeau is a joke. Dan McTeague served under four different Liberal leaders but retired rather than run for Justin in 2015. He must have known Trudeau would be an absolute disaster. SOURCE: Description Dan McTeague served as a member of parliament for almost 20 years under Prime Ministers Jean Chretien […]
WATCH: “Canadians Understand” They Must Suffer Under My Carbon Tax (Justin Trudeau)
OK seriously?? Enough of this nonsense already! A commentator Posts: A trained economist (Stephen Harper) doesn’t understand the economy but a failed drama teacher (Justin Trudeau) does!?! Trudeau is the only one at this point who could possibly be taking him (Trudeau) seriously. Follow us on Facebook:
Conservative Party of Canada Becomes Liberal Lite LGBT Tory group…?
Conservative Party of Canada Becomes Liberal Lite LGBTory group organizes a coup to take over the party with massive amounts of money, hundreds of delegates and support of Leader Rona Ambrose , Jason Kenney, Michelle Rempel and Patrick Brown. Canada no longer has opposition standing for conservative values. Click Picture to Watch Video
BREAKING: Wynne And Ontario Liberals Could Face JAIL Time
The Ontario liberals led by Kathleen Wynne could, or should be facing jail time. Wynne supports Trudeau and the federal liberals by robbing the Canadian people in ever major media announcement they make. As the globe and mail reports: Should the Ontario Liberal Party be investigated by police for influence-peddling? That will seem like a far-fetched […]
Hot off the press : Conservative caucus has chosen Rona Ambrose Party’s interim leader.
Hot off the press : Conservative caucus has chosen Rona Ambrose Party’s interim leader. From an email to the editor of rom: Dustin van Vugt <> reply-to: to: John <???> date: Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 4:15 PM subject: Congratulations, Rona Ambrose! “John I’m happy to let you know that our Conservative […]
Stephen Harper PM speaks on Ottawa shooting 6:56 “My fellow Canadians: for the second time this week, there has been a brutal and violent attack on our soil. Today our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Cpl. Cirillo was killed today — murdered […]