El Gobierno mexicano estimó que alrededor de 500.000 personas podrían ser afectadas por coronavirus cuando este virus llegue a México
The Mexican government estimated that around 500,000 people could be affected by coronavirus when this virus arrives in Mexico
MEXICO.- The Mexican government estimated Thursday that around 500,000 people could be affected by coronavirus when this virus arrives in Mexico and of these between 2% and 5% could present serious illness.
In a press conference, Hugo López-Gatell, deputy secretary of health prevention and promotion of Mexico stressed that it is imminent that the virus, known as Covid-19, arrives in Mexico “we do not want it, but it is most likely,” he said .
Given this possible scenario, he said that the country will implement mitigation measures to limit damage and control the speed of propagation, and that this will depend on the type of outbreak and the spread that exists.
He said that although in many cases the containment model is effective, which includes thorough screening of travelers or prohibition of entry to people, as well as quarantine, it is “ineffective for a pandemic like this.”
This model has already been adopted by countries such as Canada, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, which is proposed by WHO and “we will adopt it as well”.
Source: Coronavirus afectaría a 500 mil mexicanos, estima Gobierno