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The Real Story of MH370 – All Evidence and Theories

Hello r/conspiracy! Ashton Twitterson here. Many people asked for a comprehensive list of the evidence of the MH370 videos, so I delivered.

Most people’s immediate reaction will be that the MH370 videos are stupid or impossible, but they line up with all the facts to date. Don’t believe me or trust me, verify the evidence. The US Government made a huge mistake recording this event, there’s no excuse they can use to deny it.

If you want to destroy all credibility in world governments, here is your unique opportunity.

Each piece of evidence can be verified, either visually in the video, from works of the community, or my own investigative research. If it’s not on this list I either haven’t verified it or don’t find it to be credibly linked to the investigation at this time.

I am limited in images that can be used or I would add more. I only put links and sources when it’s a contentious point. When the time comes all those who contributed will be given credit.

Quick Disclaimer – This is not Qanon. This is not to distract from Trump or Biden. This is not an alien invasion. This is not a hoax, misinformation, or disinformation. There are ufology elements but that does not mean it is the explanation.

This is the power of the community used to tell the story of the greatest conspiracy of all time.


Note – I don’t want to talk to any MSM. They’ll never tell the truth. I’ll talk to any alternative media or; Tucker Carlson, Bill Maher, or Joe Rogan. If these three can be convinced I believe the world can be.

The Real Story of MH370 – All Pertinent Evidence

The Videos

Archive Satellite – http://web.archive.org/web/20170606182854/https://youtube.com/watch?v=5Ok1A1fSzxY

Archive MQ-1C – https://web.archive.org/web/20140827060121/https://youtube.com/watch?v=ShapuD290K0

– Filmed in 2014, with technology from 2014.

– Spy Satellite video (presumed from USA-229) from Regicideanon is the earliest archived source, received March 12, 2014 (description), or May 19,2014 (upload date)

– 3D Stereoscopic video (technically a third video), which means we need 2 satellites in close proximity and on the same orbital trajectory

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Stereoscopic Satellite (2 different satellites next to each other, somewhat rare)

– Satellite perspective changes 8 times as do the coordinates, with coordinates visible in 6 of them, showing us the location and direction of travel (South and East)

– Thermal layer of MQ-1C Gray Eagle posted by Regicideanon, Received June 5, 2014 (description), or June 12, 2014 (upload date)

– Cameras on this equipment are made for filming these events

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Thermal layer on a specialized electro-IR camera on the MQ-1C Gray Eagle

– Matches the mission purpose for SIBRS and SIGINT – tracking boats and planes, electronic signals monitoring, intelligence, and battlefield awareness

– Alternate sources in higher quality exist that point to none of these users being the original source



– Speculation : Original source may have come from a private forum, or left on the dark web to find

– Videos show coordinates in them that change but not when the mouse moves

– Videos show satellite designation, presumed to be NROL-22 due to seeing “93” and thus ruling out ‘3s’

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Coordinates and satellite designation in the video

– Satellite video explained by remote terminal access


– Mouse Drift explained by a jog wheel/trackball that does not have the “click” activated.

– Screen capture of terminal running at some resolution/30fps

– Citrix remote terminal running at default of 24fps.

– Streaming a remote/virtual desktop at a different resolution/24fps

– Viewing custom video software for panning around large videos

– Mouse moves off the screen in the bottom left and top right, indicating a large field of view

– Remotely navigating around a very large resolution video playing at 6fps

– Plane is making a left hand turn and descending consistent with a circle formation consistent with capabilities of a 777-200

– Plane’s altitude is low based on how close they are to the cumulus cloud formations

– There is a heat signature near the center bottom half of the plane

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Heat signature in the bottom middle of the plane

– There is exhaust or smoke coming from the plane, which is likely too low for contrails

– 3 ‘orbs’ approach the plane seemingly not affected by gravity

– The orbs have cold trails that are in front of the orb, leading the orb

– Speculation : Orbs may be changing the pressure of the atmosphere, or absorbing energy from it (cold trails)

– Orbs enter a locked formation and begin a pattern, and change patterns

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Orb pattern analysis

– The orbs pattern encircles the plane over time

– Orbs may not be visible to the human eye, both cameras are IR

– A ‘zap’ occurs as the orbs bend and move towards the plane

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The Frame before the ‘zap’ – gravitational lensing?

– The ‘zap’ is a cold event in the thermal

– The ‘zap’ accurately illuminates the clouds in the background and foreground

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Accurate illumination from the ‘zap’

– The plane completely disappears after the zap, including the plane’s visible trail

– The MQ-1C is cropped out of the Satellite video, just out of view

– The user closes the window after the plane disappears, indicating this was not recorded in real time

– Requires knowledge of classified military systems

– Person who recorded/leaked these videos is likely in prison

– How would a hoaxer know they would never find a plane?

Why this is MH370

– Only missing 777

– No Debris field found

– Official flightpath has it running out of gas, there’s nowhere else for it to go.

– Official search searched everywhere along the final ping arc and along the flightpath, even the Nicobar islands area.

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Official search along the final ping arc

– Thermal matches the exact silloutte of a 777-200ER

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Perfect match to MH370

– The color tone matches that of Malaysian Airlines

– Satellite coordinates put it on the flightpath of MH370 at around 18:40UTC in the Nicobar Islands (the smoking gun)

– Note this is the suspected location of the “turn into the south indian ocean.”

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Image by Victor of the IG and RadiantPhysics Blog

– NROL-22 released in 2006 is presumed to be a relay satellite due to it’s Molniya orbit and clear view of the satellite that took the video

– Smoking Gun : USA-229 at the right location, time, apparent angle, with a sister ‘debris’ satellite capable of taking the stereoscopic video at ~18:40UTC

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USA-229 (sister pair) NOSS 3D recreation staring at Northern Coordinates ~18:40UTC

– Purpose of SIGINT (Signal Intelligence) and SBIRS (Space Based Infrared System) is to track airplanes like this


– US Military had to have tracked MH370, we’ve proven they had the satellites in the area

– US Military, “confirmed SBIRS provided data to the intelligence community to help solve the mystery of MH370”

– FOIA about the DSP detection of the impact of Flight MH-370 was ignored

The Flightpath

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Our MH370x flightpath estimate

– The only thing that has significantly changed is my trust in the WSPR data and Inmarsat pings after 18:40UTC. We started by trusting all the official data and systematically ruled it out as not factual or itself riddled with inconsistencies.

– Satellite pings switch to IOR at 15:59UTC and never change back to POR despite the plane flying East towards it

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Going east until 17:21 UTC the plane should have pinged POR but doesn’t

– Pilot says goodnight MH370 at 17:19UTC

– At UTC 17:21 MH370 disappears from all civilian radar due to both ADS-B and ACARS being shutoff.

– Captain Blelly suggests whoever was in command of the aircraft had intentionally achieved this by disconnecting all four electrical generators and APU

– Radar says the plane makes impossible altitude changes from 5000ft to 55,000ft

– Radar loses the plane but tracks an object they believe to be the plane

– Satellite system resets, 3 minutes and a logon request happens at around 17:24UTC

– Plane changes directions and heads to Penang, Langkawi airport, the closest airport that can accommodate a 777 in an emergency

– When the plane gets over Penang, the co-pilot’s cell phone pings

– Last Malaysian radar is between 18:15 and 18:22 UTC, ~200 miles West by Northwest of Penang.

– Satellite system reconnects at 18:25UTC

– Northern coordinates proof – as the video pans around and the coordinates are visible, we can tell from this which direction our plane was travelling. We know the plane is going east, since we see it turning left in 2 videos, it must be going south/east, and must be in the Nicobar location

– Sketchy ping data at 18:40UTC shows an anomaly and subsequent pattern for the time between 18:40UTC and 23:15UTC


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At 18:39 UTC the data becomes anomalous

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After 18:40UTC, the next 5 pings only have 10 rows of combined data and a pattern

– Assumption: Plane circles counter clockwise, after approaching from the east, as seen in our video

The Witness (Katherine ‘Kate’ Tee)

Blog 2014 https://web.archive.org/web/20141018055059/http://saucysailoress.wordpress.com/2014/07/16/comprehensive-eye-witness-sighting-of-mh370/

Blog 2018 – https://saucysailoress.wordpress.com/2018/09/24/life-after-mh370/

– Credible “The reported facts, their timing and their identified geometrical relative position (observation sectors, boat journey etc.) provided by Miss Tee are coherent providing confidence in her reporting”

– Reconstructed timeline

– Doesn’t remember the time only told people the next day

– I thought it was coming to land

– I felt it was travelling slowly

– The aircraft was probably flying at an altitude somewhere between 2000ft and 10000ft

– Held same tack for 5 minutes

– The aircraft had considerably descended form the first second of observation until the accidental change of tack

– “I saw what looked like black smoke behind the orange glow, which resembled a contrail, but black”

– But I couldn’t see any fire or flames, or anything like that, it was just a plane glowing orange

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Kate says this picture is what it looked like but more uniform glow

– ChatGPT – Gases in the atmosphere, particularly oxygen and nitrogen, can glow orange under the influence of electromagnetic effects, ionization, and other energetic processes. The auroras are a prime example of this phenomenon.

– Glowing plane did not have navigation lights

– “There were two planes higher than it, and they appeared to be regular airliners cruising at high altitude”

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Coordinate estimates from Kate Tee sighting that closely align to satellite coordinates

– “As it moved behind the boat, I could see the shape very clearly = passenger plane”

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Old Kate retweet corroborating our timeline

– “my impression of the hull was that it was monocolour, I assumed light matt grey,”

– “I doubted my sanity at the time”

– The plane circles around the boat counter clockwise from the southeast

– “The silence is sinister.” (Last tweet, 2022)

Other pertinent information

– 2 fake passengers, using stolen passports that changed their appearance


– 1 possible passenger who bypassed security (can’t find this image right now)

– SOS at “2:43” intercepted and reported only in Chinese news, ‘plane attempting emergency landing, disintegrating’


– Trump leaked a similar satellite photo in 2019 of USA-224, which launched in 2011, same year as USA-229


Debunking Suicide Myth

– Everyone stands up for him including officials and his wife

– 18,000 flight hours, coworkers loved him

– No indication of suicide intent in the flightpath

– Had a huge custom simulator, not standard model

– Zaharie’s flight simulator had been used to plot two data points in the southern Indian Ocean

– Route found on the simulator closely matches the MH150 route to Jeddah, with a diversion at the end to the South Pole or SIO


– Zaharie was rostered to fly MH150 on Feb 4th, 2014

– Impossible to disconnect all four electrical generators and APU simultaneously and within 64 seconds

– Flying over his hometown is silly, it was an emergency

– People would kick down the door before they would get knocked out depressurization is slow

– In most emergency scenarios the plane is not going to last until it runs out of fuel

Debunking the Debris

– No debris found by the official search above or below water

– SOSUS would have heard it if it hit the water like they heard the Titan sub and said nothing for 5 days while oxygen countdowns were on TV

– Debris found years later not consistent with barnacle growth (see full analysis from Jeff Wise below)


– Only the flaperon was matched with a non-unique serial number, the unique plate was missing


– One person claims to have found 10+ pieces, this was featured and constested on Netflix documentary

– No one is allowed to inspect the flaperon (requires confirmation)

– 9M-MRK, scrapped in 2013, is the exact same model as 9M-MRO (Flight MH 370), also purchased from Malaysian Airlines

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Plane that matches MH370 abruptly scrapped

– The tiny amount of debris linked is not inconsistent with the energetic event we see

– If it is teleportation, the debris still can be MH370

Addressing Debunks of the videos

– Clouds do move, just slowly. You can see the movement if you take a ~15 second clip.

– Contrails do jitter from viewing through atmospheric interference, and as they blow from the wind.

– Q: ‘The plane would fall very quickly and the drone would experience minimal turbulence’ A: The MQ-1C does experience turbulence after flying through the wake

– There’s no framerate difference between the ‘zap’ and the rest of the video, this was an artifact of the software used by the debunker.

– There have been prosaic comparisons of the ‘zap’ to an ink drop, a supernova, an energy field, a video game from the 90s, and jokingly, a donut, all which are similar to the shape. None of these show that these videos came from those things.

– Video here showing the asset does not match – (link removed : MH 370 and SHOCKWV.MOV doesn’t match)

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All dispersion effects look similar

– The ‘shockwave’ VFX does not match, was edited, comes from an unreliable source, and is the wrong color for our thermal event, white instead of black in the thermal.

– The account that posted the VFX on reddit was a day old sock puppet. It shouldn’t have been allowed to post, and never answered any questions.

(link removed – Pyromania files from 1998 with modifications )

– For a prosaic debunk to have merit, the asset must match the video event perfectly, and not just a single frame.

– Even if the ‘zap’ and ‘orbs’ were somehow debunked, this is still two military videos of MH370, presumably in it’s final moments

– A full story is needed to explain these videos as hoaxes, beginning with Regicideanon somehow being in on it, or otherwise lying about the date received (4 days after the disappearance)

Other Important Considerations

– How can the satellite see at night? False color IR (needs further proof), Glow as reported by the witness could stand out in total darkness.

– Why don’t the angle change since USA-229 is moving so fast? Because the view is actually a huge battlefield view and the coordinates are in the center. The small window we see constantly shifts so our perspective is constantly changing which is why we don’t notice it in the video.


– Plane disappears from spacetime instantly

– Intermediate black hole event (cold)

– E=MC^2, so it’s not annihilation, otherwise the ‘blast’ would be much larger

– Witness sees a possible red shifted glow (orange glow)

– Using a plane because it’s in open space

– Teleportation may be to hide the plane

– Families phones were proven ringing on Chinese TV for days (impossible if underwater or in another dimension)

– Traveling forward in time doesn’t break causality but traveling backward in time does (see time dilation)


– Wormholes have been shown to be theoretically possible by at least three scientific papers in recent years


– They all show that exotic material is not necessary

– One paper argues a thin shell could be used to safely transport an object outside of spacetime

– Description of an intermediate black hole is consistent with the ‘zap’ we see in the videos

– One paper discusses needing to remove unwanted particles from the area

– The orbs may be superconductive

– The orbs could be cleaning the area, inducing the ‘mouth’ of the wormhole, and/or acting as the barrier for passage

– There’s a real patent for a “Magnetic vortex wormhole generator”


Diego Garcia

– 1700 Military and 1500 Civilian personnel. Space Force has 8600 total servicemen and women.

– Marc Dugain, Kate Tee the witness, and general theory that this was the place they flew to, but no way to actually get there.

– Sighting of a passenger plane 50 miles north of the base flying low in the early morning.

– Pilot had diego garcia in his Simulator

– Not open to commercial aircraft

– It has enough space for a 777

– It has underground facilities with a black vault FOIA showing it may be a CIA Black site

– Message from Phillip Wood saying he’s held captive with picture EXIF data placing it at Diego Garcia

– Tens of millions to Black Construction for dredging and other activities

– Lockheed Martin contract for upgrading power and water

– There are photos on the Diego Garcia facebook that look like the crew. (ran out of images)

– Seems like the new Area 51

– Strava heat map in the small boat harbor outside the yacht club seems very active

– DoD reassessed privacy policies for the troops after Strava revelations in 2018.

Theories; (Speculation)

– The reason to do this must be large enough to warrant the risk; unlikely to be about money

– Shadow war for control of this technology, 20 semi-conductor scientists on board

– Videos suppressed to hide hyper advanced technology not known to the public

– Videos suppressed to hide Non-human intelligence

– Filming had intent, UAV is too slow to catch a 777 and USA-229 is only in position for minutes

Primary Narratives; (ones with the most evidence)


– Set the satellite computer to stick to IOR 30 minutes prior to takeoff to make the plane difficult to trace

– 3 fake passengers possibly in on the hijack

– Pilot(s) and crew may be in on it, flight changed at the last minute, Sim data of Diego Garcia

– 17:21UTC event is electromagnetic jamming

– Plane is flown to penang as a waypoint, or flies directly towards the coordinates

– US Military equipment is waiting to teleport the plane to Diego Garica

– Deals are made with the crew and passengers / countries of the passengers (China/Malaysia/Indonesia)

– Maldives sighting just north of Diego Garcia in the early morning

– Phillip Wood resists, where is he now? Witness protection?

– Debris later thrown in the ocean

– Crew lookalikes found on facebook at Diego Garcia

– Motive is control of the very technology we see on video

UFO/Emergency Event

– 17:21UTC Event disconnects all four electrical generators and APU transponders, similar to what an EMP or electromagnetic interference may do

– Damage to the plane will cause it to ground quickly, depressurization may be slow, fire could have started

– Lithium batteries could be a source of fuel, or interest in the UFO angle

– Co-pilots cell phone pings over Penang, indicating calling for help

– Next logical place to land is in the water – US Military is tracking/in communication attempting to assist

– SOS in Chinese News at “2:43” supposedly intercepted that MH370 was disintegrating and attempting an emergency landing

– ‘UFOs’ teleport the plane to another dimension or location

– Motive of the cover up is to hide Non-Human Intelligence and technology from the world

Other narratives;

– Decoy Plane Theory – Second 777-200 used to spoof the pings and trick Inmarsat

– This event was to gain control of patents for some nanochips related to Rothchilds

– UFO is saving the passengers from their own doom

– UFO wants is attracted to the Lithium Batteries

– The Governments are working with the NHI for shadowy purposes