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These people cannot be reasoned with, have no respect for our personal sovereignty, and must be dealt with with this in mind.

These people keep on coming. Will never stop. Cannot be reasoned with. Have zero respect for our personal sovereignty. Are by all indications psychopathic.

You guys remember when that Harvard Law Professor and Epstein lawyer Alan Dershowitz said that the, “government has the right to come into your home and plunge a needle in your arm”? Pepperidge Farm remembers:

Or the time the WHO’s Chief Medical Director said that – because of lock-downs – COVID transmission has been pushed from the community and into the household – and as a result they needed to go, “LOOK IN FAMILIES, and find those people that may be sick and REMOVE THEM and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner”.

Remember how they did everything they could to get everyone on planet earth to take an experimental gene therapy vaccine? Well it turns out that that vaccine contains nano-robots that activate and self-assemble whenever they get next to a cell phone:


Remember how Moderna called their vaccine an “Operating System”? Now we know why–they are installing an operating system to control you:

Remember how as a result of these “operating system” injections, deaths skyrocketed all through 2021 and 2022? Well, according to an insurance underwriter deaths are up 1100% in the military alone. They are deliberately targeting all of our alpha males and athletes to de-fang our resistance to their coming New World Order:


Remember when I mentioned that the vaccines contain self assembling nano-tech? For those who survive the stab, these machines will integrate with 5G and your smart phone to create an “intra-body nano-network”. This control system will be combined with CBDCs, vaccine “updates”, and your social credit score to determine – in real time – your ability to participate or not participate in the economy:


Remember when the chief of the BIS – the central bank of central banks – all but admitted this out loud? Peppredge Farm is back on the scene:


How did we get here? How did the globalists manage to get the whole world to go along with this madness? By targeting the world’s “leaders”. Here is how they pulled it off:


These people keep on coming. Will never stop. Cannot be reasoned with. Have zero respect for our personal sovereignty. Are by all indications psychopathic.


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