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“To Ensure Her Election”: Wasserman-Schultz Admits She Really Worked For Hillary While at DNC


Still don’t believe that elections are rigged, and that the whole thing is a sham?

After all that time claiming to be “neutral” as the head of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz let down her guard this week and admitted she had actually been working ‘to prepare for Hillary Clinton to be [their] nominee’ and to ensure her election.

It was everything that she has always denied, but we knew all along.

And the Wikileaks dump confirmed it, brought it out into the open, forced Debbie to step down as head of the DNC… but low and behold, just went to work as the chairman of Hillary’s campaign anyway. Open, brazen corruption.

Why? Because it is all just a big joke, and everyone knows it.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz made the apparent inadvertent admission during a televised debate on Facing South Florida, where she is battling for reelection. RT reports:

“The work we did to prepare for Hillary Clinton, to be our nominee and then make sure that we could get her elected president, is absolutely critical to advancing the issues that are important,” she said.

The former DNC chair was forced to step down from her position the night before the Democratic party convention after leaked emails showed the DNC favored Clinton over Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders during the primaries.

It isn’t just that we already know the whole thing is theatrics for population management… it is something more.

It is that we are being forced to love our servitude and participate in the farce that Hillary Clinton was elected – as in, by the will of the people. We are made to pretend this is legitimate.

At least the people in other nations, who lack our democratic processes, do not live under the illusion that they are free.

Only in America will people still pretend this sh*t is real.

Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?

Hillary so what?

Author: Mac Slavo
Date: August 15th, 2016
Website: www.SHTFplan.com

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