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Trans Woman Hijacks Microphone At LGBTQ Town Hall Q&A, Sounds Off On ‘Anti-Blackness’ 

A black transwoman took a microphone from a woman asking a quesiton to 2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke at the CNN LGBTQ Forum Thursday.

Source: Trans Woman Hijacks Microphone At LGBTQ Town Hall Q&A, Sounds Off On ‘Anti-Blackness’ | The Daily Caller


A trans woman took a microphone from an audience member asking a question to Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke at the CNN LGBTQ forum Thursday.

Blossom, a trans woman from the audience, took the mic and proceeded to criticize “anti-blackness” and the dangers that black trans women face.

“Let me tell you something. Black trans women are being killed in this country, and CNN, you have erased black trans women for the last time,” Blossom shouted. (RELATED: Harris Says Her Pronouns Are ‘She, Her, And Hers’ At LGBTQ Forum. Cuomo Responds, ‘Mine, Too’)

“Black trans women are dying. Our lives matter. I am an extraordinary black trans woman, and I deserve to be here. My black trans sisters that are here. I am so tired of … it’s not just my black trans women and black trans brothers, too. I’m going to say what I’m going to say,” Blossom shouted.

Blossom added that actions must speak louder than words, and noted that there hadn’t been a black trans woman before her to ask a question at the town hall during the night.

Guess what? Not one black trans woman has taken the mic tonight. Not one black trans man has taken the mic tonight. Show me,” Blossom shouted at O’Rourke and moderator Don Lemon.

Lemon responded, saying that while he appreciated the gesture, there was also a time constraint.

“Blossom, blossom — thank you, I appreciate it,” Lemon told Blossom. “Blossom, you’re a black trans woman. You have the mic in your hand. I’ve taken it and given it back to you. We want to hear from you. We have had trans people of color and you’re welcome, but we are proud and happy that you’re here. We’re proud and happy that you’re here. Yes, but remember, we’re under a time constraint. Thank you, Blossom, and I appreciate it.”

“That’s how anti-blackness works, among people of color. That’s what anti-blackness looks like — the erasure of black trans people. I am here — we are here in this room, please give us that opportunity,” Blossom told him.