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Transgender Kids: Who Knows Best – BBC Documentary Banned in Canada

Watch the balanced BBC documentary that explores Transgenderism and Gender Dysphoria. This Documentary has been banned in Canada despite the fact that many of the people in it are Canadian.

Transgender Kids: Who Knows Best – BBC Documentary Banned in Canada from Redpilled Millennial on Vimeo.


VIA – Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

Let’s say there’s a girl who is 12 years old, we’ll call her Jacki, and she wants to be a boy,. Three kids in her class all want to be transgender and the teachers are so excited about it and celebrate, highlight and exalt these trans children. They get special mention and all the kids are told never to say anything negative to them because they could “commit suicide”. They have already started their great concoction of puberty blockers and hormone treatments. The room is a buzz with the fun.

Jacki is on the autism spectrum. Her parents just broke up and her older brother went to live with her dad. She really misses her dad and it seems like if you’re a boy you get to live with him. Jacki’s teachers taught her through SOGI 123 and all the “wonderful resources” that she can be a different sex in her brain than she is in her body, just like Jazz, along with the “dozens and dozens and dozens” of trans indoctrination… oh sorry…I meant “resources” have told her.

Her mother is beside herself because she knows that if a child is having gender dysphoria, in 82 to 92% of the time these feelings will completely desist with puberty. Mom also knows that if Jacki begins to take hormones she will grow a beard and even if she changes her mind, she will not be able to get rid of that beard. Mom has read that it is common to bind a girl’s breasts causing irreparable tissue damage. Eventually an operation to remove the breasts and perhaps form an unusual looking penis will be the end result of the final transformation. Mom is also aware that the suicide rate after transition remains extremely high.

Mom knows that Jacki has struggled with some mental health issues and that she gets fixated on ideas because of the autism. Mom takes her to a professional counselor to get help.

The counselor is told that Jackie wants to be a boy and he says, “Why do you want to be a boy, Jacki, when you are such a pretty girl?”

The counselor is brought before a judge and given two years in prison for daring to ask a logical question to determine what is driving Jacki to believe she is a boy.

Another less moral doctor who does not want to face prison, will simply tell Jacki, “Of course, you are a boy if you feel like a boy inside. Here is your puberty blockers and hormone therapy. Enjoy your life!”

This Bill is in its first reading in the Senate to ban the overreaching term “conversion therapy”, which includes talking and asking logical questions. Dr. Zucker, an expert in GD used talking and counselling with his patients and many did not transition. They were spared the serious, life altering consequences. Watch documentary here: https://vimeo.com/247163584

Definition of conversion therapy

172.‍01 (1) In this section, conversion therapy means any practice, treatment or service designed to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity or to eliminate or reduce sexual attraction or sexual behaviour between persons of the same sex. For greater certainty, this definition does not include a surgical sex change or any related service.

Conversion therapy advertising

(2) Everyone who knowingly advertises an offer to provide conversion therapy for consideration is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.


Why CBC cancelled a BBC documentary that activists claimed was ‘transphobic’ http://nationalpost.com/wcm/fda6c0e6-0c06-43a2-9784-388366116e84 via @nationalpost


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