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“Tremendous News!” – Maduro Touts Venezuelan Vaccine That Inhibits COVID 

“We certify the DR10 molecule as a highly effective antiviral in the fight against Covid-19.”   

Multiple COVID-19 vaccine trials are in the final stages around the world. But in one unlikely place, that being the collapsed state of Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro touted Sunday, in an appearance on state television, that his government scientists have developed a “highly effective antiviral” that kills the virus without any side effects.

Maduro tweeted: “Tremendous News! We certify the DR10 molecule as a highly effective antiviral in the fight against Covid-19.”

He continued: “We have started the World Health Organization (WHO) certification process to offer this treatment to the world. I thank the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC) team for this great contribution to humanity.”

At the IVIC, scientists have been working around the clock to develop a cure for the virus. Maduro said that the vaccine’s active ingredient is a derivative of ursolic acid from a plant and will not harm humans.

Maduro said the vaccine would be transferred to the WHO for further evaluation and possible use worldwide.

“The molecule will be mass-produced and delivered worldwide for the cure of Covid-19,” according to Maduro.

So the question we ask Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who famously expressed skepticism about Russia’s COVID-19 vaccine in August: Is how he would feel about Maduro’s wonder vaccine? 

Source: “Tremendous News!” – Maduro Touts Venezuelan Vaccine That Inhibits COVID | Zero Hedge