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Trudeau accusor lands a seven-figure NDA to keep quiet about West Grey departure – The Buffalo Chronicle

Sources are telling The Buffalo Chronicle that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s accuser has been in talks with a private attorney for more than a week, discussing a heated sexual relationship …

Source: Trudeau accusor lands a seven-figure NDA to keep quiet about West Grey departure – The Buffalo Chronicle

Sources are telling The Buffalo Chronicle that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau‘s accuser has been in talks with a private attorney for more than a week, discussing a heated sexual relationship that began and ended more than 18 years ago, when the young woman was a student at Vancouver’s prestigious West Point Grey Academy.  The Chronicle is told that the two engaged in a months-long affair beginning in the summer of 2000, both on and off-campus.

That non-disclosure and an accompanying non-disparagement agreement were signed last night, according to the source, for more than $2.25 million CDN.

A friend of the accusor’s family reached out to The Chronicle days ago, prior to the signing of the non-disclosure agreement, when its terms were not in effect and still being negotiated.  Those talks took nearly two weeks and took place almost entirely in Vancouver.

By Saturday evening, Trudeau’s negotiator became impatient, giving the young woman a deadline of 10pm on Wednesday evening to either agree to or reject the terms of the NDA.  The Chronicle became familiar with the situation shortly after Trudeau’s negotiator made that threat.

The young woman and her attorneys were insisting that the terms be mutually binding on Trudeau (in which case Trudeau would be liable for damages if he were to publicly discuss the circumstances of their relationship himself).  Trudeau’s attorneys repeatedly refused that request, which was cause for the delay.

It is unknown whether the terms of the final agreement are mutually binding.

Trudeau taught at the West Point Grey Academy between 1999 and 2001 but departed the school abruptly mid-term, and without substantial explanation.  At the time he was 29 years old and retained his father’s law firm, Heenan Blaikie, in the matter.  The firm released a bizarre statement at the time, in which Trudeau asked the public “not to make things up” about the departure, and insisted that he did not leave to pursue public speaking engagements.

In recent days, Trudeau has denied that he left the school for nefarious reasons, and denied that he signed an NDA at the time of his departure.  The family of his accuser does not share that recollection and was told by officials of the school at the time that Trudeau would be bound by a confidentiality agreement that he signed prior to taking his teaching position.

Trudeau has claimed that he was simply moving on with his career.  But shortly after he left that position as a full-time substitute teacher, he took a similar but lower-paying position at a nearby public high school.  Within a year’s time, he would move back to Montreal where he would pursue shortlived studies in engineering.

Trudeau’s accusor is the daughter of a wealthy Canadian businessman.  He asked that she not be identified in our reporting.

Justin Trudeau at age 29.

Where is Trudeau’s record…?

BC Teachers Act

The director of certification must maintain a register of “all certificate holders”.

Online registry

79.) The director of certification “must establish and maintain an online registry” for the purpose of providing the public the following information:

Why is Justin Trudeau’s teaching certificate is missing:
BC Teachers Act
Suspension of certificate; if the commissioner considers there is a risk of

(c) physical harm to a student,
(d) sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a student, or
(e) significant emotional harm to a student