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Trump Reauthorizes Declassification Of All ‘Russia Hoax’ Documents In Late-Night Tweets

Authored by Sundance via the Conservative Treehouse

Last night, President Donald Trump transmitted an epic tweet-storm seemingly targeted toward all officials within the executive branch; and the intelligence apparatus writ large:

One important note of caution: there is a big difference between “authorized” and “ordered”. On May 23rd, 2019, President Trump authorized AG Bill Barr to declassify all documents and despite much optimism nothing happened {Go DEEP}. However, President Trump references that lack of inaction in the next series of tweets:

Presumably “people” who “acted very slowly” would pertain to AG Bill Barr, FBI Director Chris Wray, CIA Director Gina Haspel, State Dept Secretary Mike Pompeo and former ODNI Dan Coats. President Trump asks those agencies now to “Act!!!”

President Trump also expressed the same frustration many of us feel about how these agencies and institutions have operated only to protect their own interests. He even re-tweeted the meme of Bill Barr to drive home the point.

Whether anything comes of this latest, seemingly stronger, emphasis and request from President trump is an unknown. However, again, this is an authorization for release of documents and not a direct order.

There are likely legal reasons for this approach, and no doubt there are advisors around the office of the president who would want him to take a more cautious approach.

Several people are pointing toward an announcement of a press conference by the DOJ Wednesday morning and attempting to connect the tweet-storm to the presser. However, my gut tells me they are two distinctly different topics.

But we can keep our fingers crossed.

Whatever the case may be, we will receive the answer later this morning.

Interestingly, albeit likely unrelated, the specific participants in the presser hold offices that are directly connected to the previous 2019 indictment of Julian Assange.

The original article is located at ZeroHedge.com