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Trump triggers Palestinian fury & anti-US protests in Turkey, Jordan (VIDEOS)

Palestinians were first to take to the streets following Trump’s Jerusalem decision – a potentially fatal blow to their future statehood ambitions – as their leaders called for three days of rage against the controversial move.

Hundreds of enraged youths burned tires and American flags in spontaneous protests on Wednesday across the Gaza Strip.

In the evening, protesters waving Palestinian flags heard Hamas leader, Ismail Radwan, declare that Trump’s decision will “open the gates of hell.” Chanting “death to America” and “death to Israel,” as well as “down with Trump,” they condemned Washington’s new policy.

This decision will have no effect on the Palestinian people but will escalate the Intifada in Jerusalem, and I expect too much of an escalation,” one of the Palestinian protesters told Ruptly.

READ MORE: Trump ignores warnings, formally recognizes Jerusalem as capital of Israel

Mass demonstrations also broke out in the West Bank, where residents of Qalqilya burned images of Trump.


Meanwhile in Turkey, where President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened to cut diplomatic ties with Israel, thousands of protesters held rallies across the nation.

Several hundred activists gathered outside the US Consulate in Istanbul shouting anti-Trump slogans as they hurled objects at the American diplomatic mission. Led by the Anatolian Youth Association (AGD), the crowd displayed posters and banners supporting the Palestinian cause.


Anti-American protests also took place at the Fatih Mosque in Istanbul. The rally organized by Turkish Youth Foundation (TUGVA) called on Muslims worldwide to unite against the American decision, which they say signals the death knell for the Middle East peace process.

Protesters also flocked to the US Embassy in Ankara, where they stated that the Palestinian cause is a basic issue for all Muslims. Similar protests took place in Konya, Bursa, Antalya, Mugla, Manisa, Adana, Bartin, Karabuk, Samsun, Yozgat, Malatya, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras, Sanliurfa, Sirnak and Diyarbakir provinces, Anadolu news agency reports.


“Down with America… America is the mother of terror,” shouted protesters who gathered Wednesday in the Jordanian capital, Amman to protest against the US. Jordan, which has a substantial Palestinian refugee population, condemned the move with solidarity marches taking place at the Palestinian camps of Al-Wahdat, Baqaa and Hitin, as well as in the city of Maan in southern Jordan.