Trump’s NЕW АIR FОRСЕ ОNЕ Just Сamе In, Lооk Whаt Еvеryоnе Nоtiсеd Тhat’s VЕRY Diffеrеnt
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According to reports from FreedomDaily the accommodations are basically fit for a king or queen, and President Trump sure knows how to negotiate it in a way that costs far less.
Black Lives Matter stopped the gay pride parade chanting, “Hey hey ho ho these racists cops have got to go!” This is a classic case of libs trying to out lib each other. Who is the most important victim? So today #blacklivesmatter stopped the D.C. Pride parade. — Fraser (@dangercw) June 10, 2017 […]
[poll id=”3″] Former New Jersey Superior Court Judge Andrew Napolitano has called Obama’s planned Executive amnesty “illegal,” while Senator Rand Paul has stated that a lawsuit may be the only way to stop it. Appearing on Fox’s “The Kelly File” Monday, Napolitano told host Megyn Kelly that Obama would be “playing with constitutional fire,” if […]