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Tutankhamun’s great-grandmother’s coffin opened to reveal blonde hair – Daily Star

AMAZING: Tutankhamun's great-grandmother Tjuyu appeared to have blonde hair (Pic: CHANNEL 5/THE NILE: EGYPT'S GREAT RIVER)
AMAZING: Tutankhamun’s great-grandmother Tjuyu appeared to have blonde hair (Pic: CHANNEL 5/THE NILE: EGYPT’S GREAT RIVER)

Source: Tutankhamun’s great-grandmother’s coffin opened to reveal blonde hair – Daily Star

TUTANKHAMUNā€™S great-grandmother may have had blonde hair, after footage showed her tomb being opened for the first time in years.

ā€œSheā€™s so tiny and so perfect,ā€ Bettany exclaims.

The presenter then notices something strange, the ā€œstrawberry-blondeā€ hair of the mummified body.

Ancient Egyptians have historically been portrayed as having brown hair.

But Egyptologist Salima Ikram explained it may not all be as it seems.


PRESERVED: Her feet were almost perfectly intact (Pic: CHANNEL 5/THE NILE: EGYPT’S GREAT RIVER)
CAREFUL: Experts were filmed removing the top of Tjuyu’s tomb (Pic: CHANNEL 5/THE NILE: EGYPT’S GREAT RIVER)