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UFOs Attack Pilot UFOs attack and take control over a young pilot’s airplane in midair in this little known yet famous incident

(The amount of evidence in this case is Overwhelming-Excellent researcher behind this video)

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UFOs attack and take control over a young pilot’s airplane in midair in this little known yet famous incident that happened near Mexico City.


Back in 1975, a young pilot by the name of Carlos de los Santos Montiel was taking a flight from the mexican state of Guerrero to Mexico City.

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On his way he was intercepted by three unidentified flying objects. The flying objects, one of which was to his left, one of which was to his right, and one of which almost hit him from the front slowly took control over his plane to the point where he couldn’t do anything at all.

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Carlos began to freak out and during this time he sent out a distress signal over the emergency airwaves to Mexico City.

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“Mayday, Mayday, Mayday,” he repeated. Eventually the people on the other end of the emergency broadcast signal heard his cries for help and really didn’t seem to believe in the first, but eventually came around.

Carlos had one of the UFOs actually hit the underbelly of his plane, which damaged the landing gear of his plane. He actually caused the Mexico City airport to be shut down for an hour while he circled it 11 times trying to fix his landing gear.

At first, Carlos was told that he should tell anyone about what happened in but who would believe him anyway. Then two people corroborated with his story on radar and documented it in the documents shown in this video.

Alternative-News.tk - Screenshot-183In addition to that during the time that Carlos was taken over by these objects, which was 18 minutes the people at the other end of the radio broadcast signal found out that there was a learjet owned by the Mexican department of agriculture and radio them to see if they could help Carlos and his situation.

However, this wasn’t released until after the fact.

These people eventually came forward as well as they said they had a direct sighting of the craft that were taking over Carlos’s airplane.

With all this evidence a few authorities to call them seem become paranoid. Carlos wanted to go more public with his story so he was invited by Pedro Ferriz, a well-known TV show host in Mexico to share his story with the rest of the country.

However, on his way to the interview he was intercepted by automobiles which looked like they had government license plates. Inside these automobiles were four call caucasian looking beings whom all looked completely identical.

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They threatened him and his family’s lives in perfect Spanish with a perfect accent. They said in a very robotic way though.

Carlos, scared out of his mind, ended up not showing up for the interview because of this. However, he did end up showing up to a hotel room to meet with Pedro Ferriz and one of his friends where he went over the details of the situation for about 11 hours.

He was due to meet up with them once again in America two days later, but he didn’t show for that interview either. Apparently he was threatened a second time by the men in black. After that Pedro Ferriz decided to not contact Carlos for quite a while.

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Carlos lives a pretty normal life nowadays and has become much more public about his story. The men in black never bothered him again and he never learned anything else about the incident.\