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Vancouver’s Tent City 2016

Vancouver’s Tent City 2016

#Vancouver’s 2016 Tent City

 #Vancouver Housing Crisis March  – July, 2016 

A Three year wait for social housing  in Vancouver British Columbia was the reason for the  Vancouver Housing Crisis March held on July 9, 2016

I was walking around the DTES after a Sunday morning service and I came about Vancouver’s Latest #TentCity camp.

As some of you might know I was a civil libertarian observer and wrap up  help for 2014’s Oppenheimer Park Tent City.OPPENHEIMER PARK EVICTION VANCOUVER BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA OCTOBER 16TH 2014

There was VPS, Park Rangers, and VFD where there. I had the Chief of VFD explain to me and for the camera the approach they where taking with the court ordered closure. This was a test run as well for all VPD to wear body cams. VFD Chief specifically addressed and thank me on behalf of several civil libertarians for coming out to observe and get our hands dirty in taking down a camp and cleaning up the aftermath.  As a minister I felt like no matter who I was, or others no matter they where there where there, or for what ever cause / reason we all where respected and we helped in many ways to wrap things up peaceably.

The government here in Canada has a genuine respect and cooperation with civil libertarians, be you faith based, agnostic, or militant atheist we are all there to varying degrees to see to it that liberties are not trampled and for the upholding of our reservation of God given rights.

At current 2016’s  Vancouver Tent City incarnation it is quite civilized in ours and many others estimations. If there are things to take immediate injunctive action on they did not at face value seem to be self evident from what I observed….aside from the obvious legal questions surrounding Tent City.

^^Foreground: Samona and behind her is pictured a young lady (name unknown) who is several months pregnant. Samona is on top of the pulse of the camp and visitors. Clip board in hand and a hand ready to shake she is genuinely pleasant, as was every one we spoke with there.

We talked about my impressions that the camp was very peaceful and albeit a little cramped It was clean and clear of things that would cause it to be an utter death trap.  I will note running water for pottage and sanitation was not evident to me at the time of my visit,

Food and drink is needed and donations in kind are most welcomed. Plain old water would be great, if you are in the area and can drop some off feel free to do so 🙂

The young and very pregnant young lady  (name unknown) told me and ministry partner that she was working with a Carnegie outreach worker who she knew from another province. Small world huh?

She did mention that she had missed an appointment with her recently and rescheduled, it is specifically about housing. Even though it is that important for her to follow through on,  for what ever the reason she is on hard times and some would say not making the best of choices or coping as well as they could.

I know this though if there was plenteous units / apartments, this young lady would get one no matter when she finally kept an appointment. What she felt safe and comfortable to say to me and aloud for those leading and keeping  law order and peace she expressed  that her fear is that the child would get taken away. The way things are going it looks like this is a rational fear  / concern she should have. The stress on her is palpable. She is the first to admit she is working on it albeit still struggling to accept the help afforded to her. That is what abject poverty looks like folks.

This is a very young lady and does not have decades of history that includes drug addiction, arrests. warrants, incarcerations etc.  I would dare to presume to think that there is a certainty that this young lady was in some form of child protection or, “oversight agency” during her youth. Again every thing I have an opinion and recollection on is as a result of what was shared. It was a real blessing for them to know we where there as neighbors and in the short time we where there these folks told it like it was. You cannot make this stuff up.

This report is not to play up the angle of a pregnant youth in a Tent City in the heart of one of the best and most expensive cities in the world today but it helps to have this as it may lead some to a more compassionate understanding of who’s homeless in Vancouver.

Another occupant of Tent City was part of Occupy Oppenheimer and on his own volition shared the following with me.

One of the leaders there, a Native guy talked about the safety and stability they have experienced thus far at Tent City. He took a walk to Oppenheimer park and was assault by two rival native gangs, and a native lady who decided to strike out at him because he did not pick a side.  Just a real snapshot of one of life’s less reported side.

When My and the guy I was with made it clear we where real Christians he spoke to us about a motor cycle “gang” called the “Martyrs”. They bring by food and share their time with them inside Tent City. The “hidden church” the saved, who got out of the DTES, addiction, criminality, hopelessness, shame and despair they come to the aid of the struggling. Both the camp and the charitable that help are  made of the same stuff. I am not going to accredit any one link or notarial to the “Martyrs” it does not work that way.

While I was there I saw a large party sized box of donuts had come in and where accepted very gratefully. There are several tents that back onto an orange plastic garden fencing that divides the tent area from the local community garden. Me and the fellow I was with both commented that we noticed the garden looked great and even the close to fence low hanging fruit visa via the ripe raspberry bushes remained in tact and on the vine.

With the leaders that where there in Tent City at the time sitting around the picnic benches that serve as camp headquarters,  I shared my perspective based on past experience how to avoid some of the pitfalls of the Occupy Oppenheimer Tent City. These people are largely not the same people of past tent Cities. But some are.

A thing I explained was that The Occupy Oppenheimer crack down really came to bare from a court order. This was predicated on many things but the juxtaposition and order pivoted on public safety as there was a man dead for I think three days before he was discovered. It is sad but it happens even in the monthly hotels in the #DTES. I said remember this and keep a watchful loving eye on yourselves and neighbors.

There is a real possibility if the young pregnant lady at 2016’s Tent City could spark off some real change most drastically if something should happen to her or the child while they are there. The hidden long term cost to society is truly hidden in the moment. If you did not read this here would you know that this was going on and that not all the dejected are not just addicts?

Very little of Vancouver Tent City 2016 is being reported in the “main stream media” It would be beneficial to be sure. There is this caveat visa via the seemingly blatant media black out  it means the place has not blazed down to the ground, there has been no promoting of a general insurrection among Vancouverites (or any other jurisdictions or populations). No murders, or violent crime and as for know no reported Over dose deaths.

People with disorders or life challenges often express there needs in the simplest of forms one of the most simple of cries we should hear is the call for affordable housing in Vancouver.  It is not rocket science.

Here is video of the Oppenheimer Park Eviction

Save On Meats Across the street from Vancouver’s Tent City ( 43 W Hastings St, Vancouver, BC V6B 1G4)

Please  watch and see some of the truth of poverty in the DTES of Vancouver

Down Town East Side

Vancouver – Life On The Streets

 Did you know the poor in Vancouver sometimes find them selves staring in snuff films?… #DTES

^^Pictured above is me and jenny Kwan. I made a promise to leaders at Tent City 2016 and that was I would make certain I made mention of this to Jenny Kwan and inform her of the updates. I trust that she will respond.  

Jenny Kwan 
(Jenny Kwan. @JennyKwanBC  
Proud Member of Parliament for Vancouver East. NDP Critic for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship.)
I am Ministering at Street Church and Potters Place mission. Mondays and Saturdays.  Your prayers are always appreciated and if you want to know how you can support and assist this ministry please contact me here:

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