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VIDEO: China urges US to respect sovereignty after US “freedom of navigation” exercise in South China Sea

It stands to be noted that China has disputes with 12 countries at this time and ignores several UN conventions and at times some suggest flaunts international law re it’s claims.

It seems China does not think this dispute is real as they think they have already won any conflict arising from it.

In light of the increased action in the South China Sea, An increased  naval presence in the Korean Peninsula and they region in general the stakes are intensifying and so is China’s resolve or so it seems. How far and to what end is China’s resolve….  War, or so it seems, if The world does not recognized China’s claims.

On Thursday, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert was asked at a briefing whether “freedom of navigation” and other issues serve to “make for a more difficult campaign on North Korea with China.”

Such operations, Nauert said, get the “most attention” when they occur in the South China Sea.

“They happen off the coast of Canada” and “in the waters off shore of our major allies, friends, partners all around the world,” she said.

“As you all know, US forces will operate in the Asia-Pacific region. They do that on a daily basis, including the South China Sea. The operations are conducted in accordance with international law. And the point of that is to demonstrate that the United States will continue to fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows. It’s true in the South China Sea. It’s true in other places around the world, as well.”

“The US decision to pick quarrels and make troubles under the banner of ‘freedom of navigation’ by sending military ships to illegally enter waters near China’s Nansha Islands has seriously threatened China’s sovereignty and security interests, severely endangered the lives and safety of front line personnel from both sides, and seriously harmed regional peace and stability,” China said.

“But provocative actions by the US like this one have seriously harmed mutual strategic trust, and caused difficulties and obstacles in developing military-to-military relations. We strongly urge the US to immediately correct its mistakes and stop provocative actions in the name of ‘freedom of navigation.’ US provocations will only prompt the Chinese military to further upgrade its defense capabilities to firmly preserve national sovereignty and security.”

“China urges the US to earnestly respect Chinese sovereignty and security interests as well as the joint effort by countries in the region to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea,” the ministry said.