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Global National: Feb. 27, 2020 | Coronavirus has “pandemic potential” as cases rise globally – WATCH
On this episode of Global National, Crystal Goomansingh reports on the growing fears of a novel coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19 has now spread to at least 50 countries, making tens of thousands of people ill. Global News looks at the drastic steps governments around the globe are taking to mitigate the risks. Also, a woman in […]
Russian laser weapon “Peresvet” took up combat duty
“Peresvet”(Overlight)- This is a military laser installation today on the alert on duty. Her work is based on new physical principles, capable of destroying satellites in space. “PS: As far as I know, precisely because of this laser, the United States did not place military satellites in Earth orbit.”
Chrystia Freeland ducks question: There’s a carbon tax on Alberta’s oil, so why is there no carbon tax on imported Saudi oil?
It was made clear to journalists that questions were not to be asked during the photo opportunity preceding the meeting. Luckily, I was able to ask her my question as she walked in, late as usual.