WATCH: Massive Newfoundland thinks he’s a lap dog – VIDEO
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Boss the Newfoundland loves to give hugs and kisses but isn’t quite aware at just how gigantic he is! Watch him try to climb up on this woman’s lap in this priceless footage!
CDC Planes Fly To San Diego To Bring In Sick IllegalsWe Were Lied To And Conned Again Source: CDC Planes Fly To San Diego To Bring In Sick Illegals We Were Lied To And Conned Again By Patricia Doyle PhD Exclusive To 11-27-18 Hello, Jeff – The tear gas was essentially misdirection and […]
Clinical trial pauses are not uncommon, but they are generating outsized attention in the race to test Covid-19 vaccines. J&J emphasized that so-called adverse events — illnesses, accidents, and other bad medical outcomes — are an expected part of a clinical study, and also emphasized the difference between a study pause and a clinical hold, […]