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WATCH: The Secret of Water – How intent influences Water

Secret of Water Trailer 3 - YouTube

Water – a living substance, the most common and least understood. It defies the basic laws of physics, yet holds the keys to life. Known to ancients as a transmitter to and from the higher realms, water retains memory and conveys information to DNA. However, water can die if treated poorly. Influences such as sound, thoughts, intention, and prayer, as well as toxins such as chlorine, structure water’s molecular arrangement– affecting all it comes in contact with. Prominent scientists help reveal the secret of water, allowing us to use this amazing element to heal ourselves and our planet.

The movie features Nassim Haramein, Patrick Flanagan, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Konstantin Korotkov, Lynne McTaggart, Larry Dossey, and many others.

Water Is ALIVE & RESPONDS to Human Emotion

Water Is ALIVE & RESPONDS to Human Emotion - YouTube

Water – a living substance, the most common and least understood. It defies the basic laws of physics, yet holds the keys to life. Known to the ancients as a transmitter to and from the higher realms, water retains hidden messages and conveys information to DNA.

However, water can die if treated poorly. Our use and misuse of this precious resource has altered the vital information it carries in unexpected ways. Influences such as sound, thoughts, intention and prayer, as well as toxins such as chlorine, structure water’s molecular arrangement – affecting all it comes in contact with. Prominent scientists help reveal the secret of water, allowing us to use its healing power for human beings and our planet.

WATCH: Water Is ALIVE & RESPONDS to Human Emotion

If You Drink Water You Should Watch This! Amazing Secret of Water – Influenced With Sounds & Intent!

Episode Description: Water – a living substance, the most common and least understood. It defies the basic laws of physics, yet holds the keys to life. Known to ancients as a transmitter to and from the higher realms, water retains memory and conveys information to DNA.

However, water can die if treated poorly. Our use and misuse of this precious resource has altered the vital information it carries in unexpected ways. Influences such as sound, thoughts, intention and prayer, as well as toxins such as chlorine, structure water’s molecular arrangement – affecting all it comes in contact with. Prominent scientists help reveal the secret of water, allowing us to use this amazing element to heal ourselves and our planet.

Featuring Paul Wallis, Rustum Roy, Mark Weislogel, Allois Gruber, Leonid Izvekov and Konstantin Korotkov. Produced By Gaia TV.

Watch: If You Drink Water You Should Watch This! Amazing Secret of Water – Influenced With Sounds & Intent!

Water Experiment By Dr. Masaru Emoto

Dr. Emoto Believed, “Water is the mirror that can show us what we cannot see. It is the blueprint for our reality, which can change with a single, positive thought. All it takes is faith if you’re open to it.” Though for many of us, it is difficult to believe in the unseen, interestingly, there are water experiments and observations that explain water’s magnificent nature. In this article, we discuss Dr. Masaru Emoto, specifically water experiments by Dr. Emoto, and the concept of water’s consciousness. Understanding the consciousness of water will help you see the benefits water has to offer to you, and just how you can turn regular water into something more.

Water Memory (2014 Documentary about Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier)

Water Memory (2014 Documentary about Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier) - YouTube

wocomoDOCS: Water is the key element of life, but new information is coming to light on the element which we thought we were so familiar with: information which could potentially reimagine our tree of life.

That is the belief shared by the advocates of a surprising theory called “water memory”. For Prof. Luc Montagnier, water has the ability to reproduce the properties of any substance it once contained. Water would have the ability to retain a memory of the properties of the molecules.
What if Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism, HIV and even cancer could be treated thanks to this controversial theory?

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