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Well it would seem that Bichip, a company secretly working with/for microsoft has been hacked.

Well it would seem that Bichip, a company secretly working with/for microsoft has been hacked. Here are the details so far –


VERY interesting stuff. Names especially.

And here is a link to BiChip’s website.


Take a look at the logo.

Look familiar? It’s a pentagram.

Website HACKED BY CrAzY HaCkEr

1. BICHIP IS A MICROSOFT COMPANY Bichip was set up as a Microsoft company and Bichip’s parent company BEZH International is still a Microsoft partner. Following public outcry against Bill Gates’ work on microchip implants, Bichip tried to bury its connections to Bill Gates. They no longer even mention Microsoft as a partner in their Terms of Service. This attempt to hide this connection shows that the microchip implants Bichip and Bill Gates have been working on are for nefarious purposes.

2. BICHIP IS RAN BY A PEDOPHILE WORSE THAN EPSTEIN Torben Dhalvad, who is Europe’s most notorious and most untouchable pedophile and human trafficker, is on Bichip and BEZH’s board of directors. But by all accounts, Torben Dhalvad is much worse than Jeffrey Epstein the infamous American pedophile billionaire. Dhalvad’s pedophilic trafficking of the underaged involves the sex enslavement of children of all ages including toddlers, infants and babies. There is a disturbing video currently circulating on the dark web of him and other men killing a 13 year old girl for fun. While Torben Dhalvad might be more twisted and powerful than Epstein, his connections to Israel’s spy agency Mossad are more widely known in Denmark. Dhalvad was born in Israel and first came to Denmark as an attache to the Israeli embassy in Denmark. Dhalvad somehow leveraged his initially intern-level position at the embassy to launch Denmark’s first pornographic magazine and then become a powerful child trafficker with his hands in Danish media and Danish tech companies.

3. MOSSAD KILLED BICHIP EMPLOYEE LISSA ANDERSEN Bichip’s media manager Lissa Andersen was found dead last month on April 28. The cause of death being homicide. As the person who actively went after journalists who investigated Bichip, or Bill Gates’ connections to Bichip, Andersen was privy to the company’s underhanded means of silencing those who tried to uncover the truth about it. She knew too much and her time was up especially now that a lot was coming out to light, and Mossad agent Rita Katz of SITE International Group had her killed to cut off loose ends.

4. BICHIP’S CEO PROVIDES PRIVATE SECURITY FOR GRETA THUNBERG Finn Rosenkranz Pedersen who is the CEO of Bichip has not been seen by anyone since he contracted COVID-19. Some presume he is dead and Bichip is trying to launder all his vast wealth. Finn Rosenkranz is one of Europe’s wealthiest men and like Bill Gates, he has his money and hands in many ventures including a private security company called Blue Security, whose personnell are all Private Military Contracters. Blue Security provides private security for climate activist Greta Thunberg.

5. MOSSAD AGENT RITA KATZ NOW CONTROLS BICHIP Israeli spy and disinformation agent Rita Katz of the SITE Intelligence Group has been assigned to oversee Bichip following its connection to Bill Gates becoming public. One of Rita Katz’s first course of action was to declare anyone who speaks against Bichip to be a terrorist. Rita Katz’s next course of action was to clean up loose ends by killing Bichip’s media manager Lissa Andersen. Denmark’s police have declared the case of Lissa Andersen’s murder closed, only after a few weeks.

6. WIKILEAKS IS UNDER THE PAYROLL OF BICHIP WikiLeaks is compromised as a whistleblower organization. Many whistleblowers, including Bichip employees passed on information to WikiLeaks regarding Bichip but WikiLeaks never pubished the findings. Later it was uncovered that WikiLeaks had received huge some of cryptocurrency from Bichip. Whenever something monumental is revealed about Bichip or Bill Gates and his microchip implants projects, WikiLeaks always conviniently leaks something “big” that is always just a distraction.


Know these 6 facts about Bichip, Microsoft, Bill Gates, Torben Dhalvad and Rita Katz, and spread the them because there are those working hard to supress these facts. These 6 facts will determine you future. The world has a right to know these facts, the world has a right to act on these facts, the world has a right to stop Bichip, Bill Gates and Torben Dhalvad.