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Whoopi Goldberg Wants Mitch McConnell To Pay Reparations — To Barack Obama

Whoopi Goldberg Wants Mitch McConnell To Pay Reparations — To Barack Obama‘You did everything you could to not help him’

Source: Whoopi Goldberg Wants Mitch McConnell To Pay Reparations — To Barack Obama | The Daily Caller

Whoopi Goldberg argued Thursday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should pay reparations to former President Barack Obama.

In response to Wednesday’s Congressional hearing on the possibility of reparations for slavery, McConnell argued that reparations were not the best path forward.“I don’t think reparations for something that happened 150 years ago, for whom none of us currently living are responsible is a good idea,” McConnell said.

He then proceeded to point out some of the progress made since the end of slavery, including Civil Rights legislation and the fact that “we’ve elected an African American president.”

Goldberg fired back at McConnell during a segment of ABC’s “The View” the following morning.


Ana Navarro brought McConnell into the conversation, saying, “But yesterday, Mitch McConnell got asked this question and he said, you know, electing Barack Obama is reparations. He’s not even a descendant of slaves. His Daddy was an intellectual, an exchange student from Kenya.”

“Can I interject something here?” Goldberg asked. “You know, Mitch, you said that you would make him a one-term president. And you did everything you could to not help him in the first four years. Maybe you should pay reparation for that.”

The hearing, regarding H.R. 40, was set to determine whether it would be feasible to impose financial reparations for slavery and the pursuant unequal treatment of black people in America.

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