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“Your Son’s Life was Only Worth $100K” Cop uses Facebook, Taunts Family of Unarmed Man He Killed

Salt Lake City, Utah – In a sickening move, the purported Facebook account of the cop who shot and killed Joey Tucker six years ago posted comments demeaning the life of the man he killed.

The damning comments, posted to a Facebook page set up by Tucker’s family to memorialize their son’s life, belittled the family of the dead man, taunting that his life was only worth $100,000; the amount of the settlement the family apparently received in a lawsuit related to Tucker’s killing.

Tucker was gunned down by Salt Lake City police officer Louis “Law” Abner Jones, after he failed to pull over for the officer in what began as a non-emergency assistance call.

Earlier that day Tucker entered diabetic shock and began acting irrationally, after failing to take his insulin, according to Justin King of The Fifth Column News.

The officer claimed that he thought Tucker was suicidal, as if that was a reasonable justification to kill him. As we have noted in the past, there is a pandemic afoot of police killing the people they are called to help, when called for non-emergency assistance calls.

The events that culminated in Tucker’s death show a man in a disoriented state, who was involved in what court documents described as “fender benders,” as he drove through the city, which were eventually used as the justification for his execution by police.

The cops attempted to use these “fender benders” as the rationale behind his killing. It’s important to note that at one point during the pursuit police had Tucker cornered in a parking lot but allowed him to leave.



Screen cap courtesy of The Fifth Column

According to The Fifth Column News:

The officer claimed that after he was rammed, Tucker turned his wheels toward officers and was going to run them over. The videos below show quite clearly that not only did Tucker not turn his wheels in the direction of the officers, he was backing away from them. The vehicle was reportedly still in reverse when Joey’s corpse was removed. A fellow officer allegedly said “Oh no! Oh shit!” after Jones opened fire. Even with all of this, the District Attorney cleared Jones of charges at the time. That should come as no surprise to those who know that Utah cops kill more citizens than drug dealers or gang bangers in the state.

For Jones to be harassing Tucker’s family, six years after killing him, speaks to the former officer’s callousness and lack of remorse for his actions.

“It’s sick. It’s like the way a serial killer taunts his victims,” Melinda, Tucker’s sister, told The Fifth Column News.


Referencing one of the tormenting comments from Jones, in which he incredulously asked, “What ‘justice’ do you seek?”, Melinda stated that she hoped to have new policies and protocols implemented which would assure that no one else lose a loved one who is in crisis at the hands of cops.

Police accountability activists in the region have a different plan. As there is no statute of limitations on murder in Utah and a new DA in office, plans are in action to force the Salt Lake City Police Department to reopen the case.

Check out the videos below which fully refute the excuses put forth by Jones regarding his execution of Tucker and judge for yourself.

h/t The Fifth Column

Jay Syrmopoulos is an investigative journalist, freethinker, researcher, and ardent opponent of authoritarianism. He is currently a graduate student at University of Denver pursuing a masters in Global Affairs. Jay’s work has previously been published on BenSwann.com and WeAreChange.org. You can follow him on Twitter @sirmetropolis, on Facebook at Sir Metropolis and now on tsu.
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/your-sons-life-worth-100k-cop-facebook-taunt-family-unarmed-man-killed/#tpqCcOIbiVgtILl3.99